So let's get "first things first" out of the way...the name of this weekly Tuesday installment. Before I start getting nasty emails about how awful the name is, let me clarify. First of all, I'm cheesy- bottom line. I'm a dork, a goober, a goof ball, a cheesy, corny nerd. So there- it's out there. Secondly, my other title choice, "Who gives a f*&% Friday's" was quickly stricken from the top choices list when my better judgement kicked in.
So there's that- out of the way - done. If you don't like it...well, Who gives a F*&%??!! :) Just kidding.
Today I'm going to start off a little light. I don't want to freak anyone out right off the bat :). So I'm going to answer a question I get a lot. "What kind of camera is that?" Yes, that's right- my equipment list!! So this post may not be for everyone. But I want to be open and share from the very beginning. Some photographers are very guarded and won't share too much information. As if sharing will help someone else become a great photographer and turn into competition. My thoughts are, if you can go out and buy all this equipment, you may become competition- what's wrong with that? Competition will push me to be a better photographer- sounds good to me!!! But in all honesty, equipment doesn't make a great photographer. Photography is art and you can't fake that- no matter how much gear you've got!
Now I know what you're thinking- "This is totally photo related!! I thought this was going to be a personal entry?" Well, it's both. My equipment is like my third child. I LOVE researching, comparing, testing, practicing and using my gear. AND I'm a shopper- duh...I'm a woman! So getting new "stuff" is exciting to me! I love shopping for most anything..I like shopping for wine, though not as much as I like drinking it. I love shopping for groceries, though not as much as I like to eat. I like shopping for shoes, clothes, books, art...I have a self diagnosed obsession with shopping for new furniture, which my husband will vouch for 100%. Now that I have kids I love shopping for little girlie clothes, toys and gadgets to make my life easier when it comes to being a stay at home mom and running the house.
So back to my gear- he's a quick shot of my equipment TODAY (it changes by the day...well maybe by the week). What you can't see in this picture are; three three light stands- two with umbrellas, one with a reflector (though you can see the reflector there in the upper left hand corner), my back drop frame (which I never use since I really don't like shooting "studio-style") or my newest camera bag (since I just ordered it yesterday and it's still to be shipped).
So for the photo geeks out there and those wanting specifics....
I shoot with a Nikon D700 professional SLR. I also have a Nikon D60, which will be replaced within the next month with a second HAVE to have a backup and the D60 just 'ain't cutting the mustard'! I prefer the hand strap on the side of the camera to the around the neck strap--personal preference.
Currently I carry my equipment in a samsonite carry on suitcase. Not the best choice, but the best option I can find until I find the "perfect" bag. During photoshoots I wear the orange Tamarac backpack. I hold extra lenses, batteries, memory cards, business cards, lens cloths, my keys and my phone while I shoot. I will soon retire that backpack for a new bag...perhaps another blog post introducing my new bag...?
I use 2 Nikon SB900 Speedlights and own an SB400 (which will also be out the door when I rid myself of the D60). The Gary Fong collapsible Lightsphere is not shown since it's on the flash I have on the camera that I used to take that photo.
The lens I use most predominately is the Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 with a reputation of being the "world's sharpest midrange zoom" by Ken Rockwell, photographer and equipment reviewer. ( take him or leave him....
I also use a AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 which is fantastic...especially when my arm is about to fall off from carrying around the D700, with the 24-70, and the SB900, and the extra battery pack...weighs about 10pounds- no lie!!
The third lens I use often is the Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 VR Telezoom lens.
There are a few other lenses in there that are used on the D60 body only, but won't be using for much longer so I won't go well as a specialty fisheye/macro lens combo. There are also a few on the list to acquire- someday.
Let's see what else...other than a variety of lens hoods, tripods, battery chargers, compact flash memory cards, filters, bags, backpacks, battery packs, grips... that's about it.
On my "Wish List" or should I say, "I'm going to buy in the next few weeks List";
Radio poppers and pocket wizards
Back up D700
5 in 1 42" reflector
And that's not even touching my computer equipment....
NOW when people ask..."how come photographers are so dang expensive??!!" Well..... do YOU own that gear? Didn't think so....
So let the shopping continue
And to let you in to my world even a bit more - my beloved office. Still a total work in progress but it's gettin' there!! I feel like once I commit and put somethings on the walls it will feel more "homey" but I have a big problem with putting holes in pretty perfect walls. I mean seriously- I have lived in my home for more than 7 years and JUST put art on the walls this past week!

So thanks for tuning in for this first installment of "Who gives a TOOT Tuesdays"! I promise to shake things up each week so there will be stuff to interest everyone at one time or another.
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