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Friday, September 21, 2012

AHP 52 Week Photo Challenge ~ Week 39

I'm still here!!!! I know that things get busy this time of starts...schedules return to normal but hang in there :-) 

Keep on snapping those photos- even if you don't get them loaded to the gallery. Save them up and add them when you can! We've gone so far and have had a great turnout--keep it up!!!

Last week's theme was TIME. The photo I chose was a shot of shadows. The shadows were made by the little chairs at the library in the kid's corner. They reminded me of a sundial as they moved across the floor. I took my youngest, Ryley, to the library that day as we waited to pick up my older daughter, Sydney, from school. Ryley and I were both anxious to pick her up but it's nice to spend time with her alone. Being the second child she doesn't get much "alone" time with anyone!!

Ok folks- let's keep up the momentum!!
The AHP 52 Week Photo Challenge theme for week 39 is:

"The last thing I bought...."

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I worry about the lack of one-on-one time with my youngest but then I remind myself he will get lots of one-on-one time when my older child goes to Kindergarten.