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Thursday, March 15, 2012

AHP 52 Week Challenge ~ Week 12

WELCOME SPRING!!'s just mid March...this is just weird! But hey- I'll take it! 
I totally have ideas for a photo challenge theme related to Spring, but I'm afraid to jinx anything. If I put it out there now, BAM we'll get a blizzard and it will be all my fault! So yea--moving on--quickly!!

Last weeks theme was LIGHTS. I knew I was traveling to NYC to see Jasmine Star, so I knew I'd be seeing some "cray-cray" lights and I did. I love NYC!! 

So a few reminders about the challenge as we may have some new people joining in (spread the word...I'd love to see some new faces around!)
-Be sure you've created a photo album on your facebook page, Flickr etc called "AHP 52 Week Photo Challenge" and post your weekly photos all together in that one album. It will be super cool to see all your photos together in one spot at the end of the year!
-Make that album public so all the other participants can see your submission. For inspiration & feedback. 
-Feel free to comment on everyone else's photos- either right in their own album (if allowed), or in the comments area on my page under the submissions.
- After I post my weekly photo (typically Sunday or Monday) post your photos in the comments area under my photo. The new timeline format makes this a bit confusing. The easiest way to find the right spot is to go to my "PHOTOS" area, find the album, find the current weeks photo and then post your photo. If you happen to post in the wrong spot- no worries, I'll just repost it!
-Feel free to leave suggestions for upcoming weeks themes as well, I'd love to hear new ideas!

Ok ok ok- enough of my voice! Let's move on to WEEK 12!!!

The AHP 52 Week Photo Challenge theme for week 12 is, "Vintage".


Anonymous said...

Do the photos posted have to be ones that I personally took? HaHa ....

Kayla Rochelle said...

I LOVE this theme! This could go so many ways!