Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In My Own Words- I'm giving up on being weird.

No matter how "weird" I want to be, I'm coming to the sad realization that I'm really just NORMAL. 

I floss, I eat lunch at noon, I sometimes find my radio station tuned to the "easy listening station".
I wear TOMS, tank tops and a lot of black, 
but don't we all? 

I'm not a hipster or a bohemian, I'm not a shabby chic girlie girl, and I'm not a punk rocker. Though I have been known to sport a strand of color in my hair--gasp the unconformity!!! 
Well actually quite conforming so strike that.

I'm a wanna be green hippy who loves White House Black Market and Louis Vuitton - sue me. 
I light incense, I smudge, I drink green juice, I buy local and organic. I rarely eat meat, I practice yoga and meditate. I love NYC and when I drink champagne it's only Veuve de Clicot.

As far as my photography goes---

I dont have a catchy name that can be spelled by using a symbol on the keyboard. 

I don't go to far off lands photographing third world countries in order to raise funds for a charitable cause. 

I dont have a heart wrenching story about how I used photography to heal myself from a tragedy and that's how I got into business. 

I didn't go to a fancy art school and learn art theory, composition and color. 

I dont follow the photography rules, because I dont know what they are.

I had a baby and she inspired me. I documented her daily life for 6 months while my husband was in the police academy. His heart broke that he missed those precious first days. And during that time I learned that I loved photography, I was good at it and I never looked back.

But I'll be the first to admit, I use my camera phone and Instagram far more often than my Nikon!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Newborn Twin Photography, Albany New York, The Radley Family

Babies are precious- cute, cuddly, soft- perfection. I love photographing babies and their families in more of a "real life" style...lifestyle if you will :-) I want to capture the authentic moments between mommies and new babies, older children with their new siblings, swift and loving glances between mom and dad. These are the memories. 

Yes, everyone loves a perfect portrait- so I create those as well. But my favorite images, the ones that really speak to me, are the ones that tell the story, that make you feel exactly what life is like at that moment. 
So real you can hear the soft "shhhhhh" mom makes to soothe her new baby, you can almost smell the powdery sweet newborn baby smell and you catch yourself rocking back and forth, instinctively, as any parent does.

The Radley Family and my camera are long time friends. I was so excited to hear their news that they were expecting twins!!! I had my left hand lady, Heather of Heather Eddings Photography, there to assist- she got some serious snuggling in and I couldn't  have done it without her to hold babies, rock them and be my human baby positioner- 
what an ab workout that was!!

This session was split into two days- so that means we got LOTS of great photos! Sit back, grab a cup of joe and get ready for some cute baby overload!

What a great session!! Congratulations and thank you Radley Family for allowing me to photograph your family again! 
As always, it was a pleasure!