Thursday, March 31, 2011

Number 17

I REALLY hope I have that number right...because if I don't that either means my family has grown so large that I can't keep track or that I'm losing my marbles. But if my memory serves me correctly this precious little gal is the 17th great-grandchild in my family....that's a whole lotta branches on our family tree!!

So baby photos speak for themselves. There isn't much other to say than cute...cuter...cutest! 

This baby was very attached to momma that day- it's ok with me though because how sweet are these next photos- just peaceful and beautiful!!

I LOVE the baby wrinkles- I  just want to smooosh her :-)

and my favorite...BABY PARTS!  

Alright family....who's next!!???   :-)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daddy's little girl

Photographing children and babies is not easy. Temper tantrums, feedings, diaper changes...any number of things can make a sweet precious baby into a less than perfect subject. This was so NOT the case with Lauren...she is at the perfect age- she is awake to the world with a fabulous personality, she can sit up and interact with the camera ... but not mobile enough yet to run away  :-)
She was just hamming it up for the camera - talking, smiling--just too cute for words!

This session was another one of those special sessions just for one sibling of a group. I took photos of her two older brothers in the past but I had yet to catch this little lady alone. Her mom, my cousin, had me come over when one older brother was in school and the other was napping for a one on one session with this cutie little girl. She is SO Daddy's girl- not only does she look just like him, she said Da Da the whole time!!

And as anyone who follows my work knows, I'm just a sucker for mommy and baby moments. The natural moody light in these just make these next two shots so great!

Friday, March 25, 2011

One month CUTE!

I know it sounds kind of silly but I love photographing complete strangers. Much of my business is word of mouth- I photograph friends, friends of friends, families of friends etc. Don't get me wrong, the power of referrals is AMAZING and I wouldn't be where I am today with out it. But every once in a while I get an email from a complete stranger who found me via some internet search engine and just liked my work! Saaaa-weeet! 

This family found me on the internet and enjoyed my website and sent me an email. Their brand new baby had arrived and they wanted photos done to capture the precious first few weeks. The day we ended up  booking happened to be her one month birthday- PERFECT- and so was she.

When photographing babies I LOVE catching the itty bitty parts because they're not itty bitty for very long!!

There was another member of the family, of the furry variety, that desperately wanted to be in on the action...isn't she just gorgeous??

A funny behind the scenes outtake- I told you she wanted to be in the pictures :)

Speaking of family pictures- I just love these....

Friday, March 18, 2011

'Lil Bro

This mom had one of the best ideas I NEVER thought of!! She has two little boys- a two year old and a 3 month old. Now, as a mother of two little ones, I know how hard it is to get one-on-one time with either of them. Especially for me since my two year old no longer special time with the baby is very special.

Well, this mom wanted photos done only of her little guy. How nice is that!!? They always say the second child never has as many photos of them, never has the new clothes- just hand-me-downs, gets to eat junk food earlier and watches more tv than the "oh so special" older child (can you guess that I'm an older child??!!) 

Well, as the older brother napped, mom and I got to spend some alone time shooting the unbelievably cute Noah. He had the best little smile and while he was very serious for much of the session- he busted out his grin from time to time and it was just awesome!

Oooooh how I love baby bubbles!!

And I always make it a point to get mommy-baby photos. This was easy since there was no one else there needing attention. Just beautiful!!

And speaking of  beautiful baby feet....

I hope to someday meet the rest of this little guy's family!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my promise to you

I know Tuesday's Toot is supposed to be pretty much non- photo related, but I feel strongly about something and I want to write about it- and it's my blog so.... :-) Since I don't really have the opportunity to blog all that often, I'm going to go against my no photo blog rule for this week.

I want to make something cryst-TAL clear. 

When you book a photo shoot with me, whether its your wedding, your newborn baby, your family in the park or a Just Because shoot, I make a few promises in that agreement. You get from me a little bit more than an hour or two or 15 with me and my camera.

Before your shoot, I promise:
- to put you at ease in anyway I can. That could be through phone calls or countless email responses to any and all questions and concerns you may have. I check my email a million times a day and always do my best to be no further than a keyboard away.

During your shoot, I promise:
-again- to put you at ease. I like to run my photoshoots in a very casual manner. It's HARD to get in front of the camera- I know that. I will talk to you, ask you questions, tell you about myself, tell stupid jokes...anything I have to do to make you feel comfortable.
- to give you 130% of me. When I am shooting I am THERE with you shooting. I can't say this about many things, but when I'm working nothing else is happening with me. I am looking for the best light, the best expression, the best interaction, the best background. I take my time, I shoot a LOT, I get creative and try new things, I don't stop shooting until I have LOTS of amazing material to offer you.

After your shoot I promise:
- to give you a sneak peek RIGHT away. If not within a few hours of your shoot, definitely within a day. I can email you my favorite photo, I can post a sample on my blog or facebook page, you can return to my house to view the photos if you wish. I don't want you to sit on pins and needles worrying about your shoot. I want you to feel confident I was getting the "awesome" stuff I said I was getting. I won't lie to you- I'll tell you when we nailed it and I'll show you right away!

Because of these promises, let me tell you what I will not....

I will not compromise my time....

-I don't like to rush, so if time is precious I would rather get one photo....ONE FABULOUS photo and call it a day instead of rush to get 20 so-so photos.

I will not compromise me or my style...

-I don't care if your wedding is at a swanky restaurant, a fancy country club, a bowling ally, a hotel banquet hall, a church basement, a backyard or a remote tropical island. I will shoot your wedding as if it were the most fabulous wedding I've ever been to. You put so much time and effort into your day- I will put just as much effort into photographing it.

I will not compromise my prices....

-My package prices include photography, products, time, talent, equipment, sweat and feet blisters :-) You are hiring me because you like me, my style, my reputation. I work because I love photography, I love weddings. I get paid because I work hard, I offer quality and I'm me. 

-At any given wedding you may see me tying bows on reception chairs, pinning a hem, bringing the bridal party coffee and bagels, putting clear nail polish on a run in someones stockings, handing a tissue to the mother of the groom, pulling a lighter from my pocket because the unity candle blew out during the ceremony, turning up the music in the bridal suite to get the party started, ordering a pizza at the end of the night because the bride and groom didn't eat enough and are starving, slinking back into the corner and photographing the unseen, precious moments of the day. 

-During any given photo shoot you may see me, playing with your children, rocking your baby, bringing surprise props, fixing the fly-away hairs in your face and making sure your fly is zipped!! I won't let you hold a pose that is obviously uncomfortable. I will try my best to remove a chin or two just by moving your position and I will ask you to do things that may not make sense, but will make you look fabulous and natural and amazing.

So yes, compare prices, compare photographers, compare packages. Do what you need to do. But please, choose your photographer based on who clicks with you, on their photos, on their reputation. And I'm NOT saying that's always me-  but the bottom line, isn't always the bottom line. But just remember my promises to you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Business Spotlight: Attention Animal Lovers

Today's BUZZ is all about business. Not only should this business name give you a bit of a chuckle, but I'm very sure when you really think about this business concept you'll also say...."hmmmm what a GREAT idea!""

I'd love to RE-introduce Doggie Style Mobile Pet Grooming!!! A very well established, super successful business getting a well deserved face lift and business renewal. 

 Here's a sneak peek at the logo revival designed by the ever so talented Dorsey and Jones Design Group (who if you remember, concocted my uber fab logo as well!!!)

So, a little more about the business concept---How many of you have animals...better yet, how many of you have animals that require regular professional grooming? Or how about those of you who love to spoil and pamper your pets but just don't have enough hours in the day to spend traveling back and forth to the doggie spa? Doggie Style Mobile Pet Grooming is right up your ally!

Laura Prior began Doggie Style Mobile Pet Grooming a handful of years ago and hit the road running (get it...hit the road??? ok anyway....). When she started this business people were beating down her door...and why wouldn't they? A van with a professionally trained dog groomer, comes to your own home, takes your four legged, furry friend outside, bathes them, grooms them, brings them back a while later and done!! She leaves- leaves you with your spic n span pet, leaves you with NO MESS in your home and leaves you to get on with your life!

This business is freshening up its logo, getting a new website and is now on facebook!! Become a fan and keep an eye out for some great things to come. We may see pet care tips, before and after photos, products, name it- the sky's the limit!! 

So GO--become a fan!! Tell Doggie Style Mobile Pet Grooming how freaking awesome they are- how much you love their new look- their concept- their services. Tell them what you'd love to see or hear about! 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Worth the Wait

I met Doug and Jeannine a few years back through some mutual friends. In fact, I may have been pregnant with my first baby when we met, maybe not, its been long enough that scatter-brained me can't remember.

Anyway, what I CAN remember is that Jeannine has talked about having a baby from the very day we met! She REALLY wanted kids!! And she should- she's the sweetest person, very kind and very upbeat- she's also quite fun with a few cocktails in her :) She'll make a GREAT mom!

So, it was a long time coming, but Jeannine and Doug finally announced they were expecting!! She was approaching her due date and she emailed me about pricing for a maternity photo shoot. Ironically it was the day before her baby shower and I had planned on giving her a gift of a photo shoot as a gift so I emailed back, "I can't tell you, you'll find out tomorrow!!" So, immediately after her shower we set up her shoot- she's due in a month so we didn't have much time to waste!

Over this past weekend I went to their home to capture Doug and Jeannine in all her pregnancy glowing glory. Take a gander and you'll be able to see for yourself exactly how happy they both are.

And I don't think you need me to tell you what fanatic Yankees fans they are...let's just hope this new baby agrees with them!

And a few more- just 'cuz she's so beautiful!

Best wishes guys- can't wait to meet the new baby soon!!