Monday, February 28, 2011

Newborn magic

So, you have a newborn baby- how exciting! You have a dream of capturing this new little bundle of joy in all its glory on film. So you schedule a newborn photo shoot with your favorite photographer...ME! :)

In your mind the shoot will go like this....sweet little happy baby doing sweet little happy baby things. Then she will drift off to sleep and then I will mold the chubby, wrinkly, precious, sleeping baby into uber cute poses in baskets, with trendy hats and beautiful hand knitted blankets. Easy peasy....riiiiight!

But then the photographer gets to you home and the baby nothing like the little angel in your photo shoot fantasy. So how do we get great "wall worthy" photos? Patience and faith and lots of it!!

You'd never know to look at these photos that this baby went from very content to pretty unhappy about having her photo taken. This is where the faith comes in. I am able to see quick pockets of time where I can catch a beautiful moment, though on the other side of my camera- it's total chaos. Have faith that when I say things are going well...they are. Don't get frustrated or uptight- just go with my flow!

This don't forget a heaping helping of patience. It sometimes takes a LONG time to go from this....a super wide eyed and bushy tailed baby (and yes SMILING at just one moth old!!) ....

To this...a calm, precious, sleeping baby. In fact it took as long as 2 diaper changes, 3 meltdown crying sessions and two feedings to get to this precious moment.....slooooowly fading into "la-la land"

So when you're convinced there's NO way I could be getting anything good out of your photo session- I may just secretly surprise you :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jeggins- the catalyst of the modern mid-life crisis

So I know I'm not the first to blog about this fashion ...trend...and I never thought I would ever find a reason to talk about them myself. But after today's shopping experience I now realize how deep and complex this topic really is- much more than simply jeans that are so tight you can't avoid to see one's bits and pieces!

I had a few soul shaking realizations today during said shopping trip. You see, I'm basically a stay at home mom. Though I do have my own business I don't have to wear power suits or even khakis, I don't have to wait for casual Friday to wear jeans. So what does one wear on a daily basis. Sweats? Yoga pants? T-shirts? Yea...that's hot.... 

But even further than that, I'm at the age where I don't fall into a well defined fashion category. At 32 years old, I'm too old to shop at Abercrombie and Fitch but far to young to venture into Chicos. I love Ann Taylor, but as I said, the high fashion business attire that I used to wear on a daily basis when I worked 9-5, doesn't quite fit my diaper changing, ring-around-the-rosie playing lifestyle anymore.

I feel like I have a young vibe to me...some may call it immature, I call it cool....did I ever mention I was a big dork!?? Anyway, I'm realizing I can't pull off the same look I did in my 20's. I realized this when I squeezed myself into a pair of Jeggins. I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't realize I had picked them up when I was looking in the sea of denim for a new pair of jeans. I took one look in the mirror, and while I "pulled them off" I just felt silly. So I opted for the more relaxed, boyfriend cut jeans and moved on....oh the shame...

The other situation that contributed to my psychosis today was in the Gap. I found two sweaters that looked like "just my style". I tried them on, they fit like a glove! They looked like they already belonged in my closet. My husband sees them and says, "oh nice, two more house coats for you to wear." Hmmmm ok so I like the occasional comfy sweater to wear around the house....but

So I end up home with my loose, relaxed fit jeans and my "house coats" and feel.....shhhh...dare I say it....old!!! What do I do next? I of course get right back in my car and speed to the closest CVS drug store and buy $150 worth of creams, serums and lotions that promise anti-aging, age reversing and rejuvenation. And tomorrow I will work out harder than I have been, I'll drink lots of water, switch my morning coffee to antioxidant rich green tea, I'll tune the dial to Fly 92 instead of 99.5 (you locals can appreciate that) and hopefully the Olay aisle that is now in my bathroom will be the fountain of youth it tells me it is!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Brittany's Just Because

The Steelers may have lost the Super Bowl, but they still look like winners in this Just Because Shoot!
Brittany is a "frequent flier" with me, and why shouldn't she  be!!?? She's beautiful, she loves to be in front of the camera and she isn't afraid to "work it"!! 

Brittany decided that she wanted photos done again and didn't really have a specific reason. She wanted pictures...JUST BECAUSE! I love shoots like this- just fun, beautiful photos to have of yourself. And Brittany didn't disappoint--as usual! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just Because

Do you need a reason to have photos taken? An event, milestone, occasion? What if you don't have any reason but you still want beautiful photos taken of yourself? Just do it! Just Because!

Take a day to yourself- get pampered- hair, makeup the whole nine yards. It's kind of a new spin on the "spa day"!

Here are some behind the scenes photos of a recent "Just Because" photo shoot I did...Doesn't getting your hair and make up done look just luxurious?! 

There is something about this next photo- I'm just completely in love with this image!!!

And nothing says fashion and beauty like a fantastic pair of shoes!!

So after the hair is curled and the makeup applied...what's next?? FABULOSITY- that's what!! 

So the next time you need a day to yourself "Just Because", get pampered, get beautiful and get some great portraits of yourself!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mac N Cheese Buzz

What are YOU doing this weekend?
No plans on Saturday?
How does this sound...
Serving after serving of macaroni and cheese prepared by some of the best home cooks in our area and 30 great local restaurants

The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY is hosting it's The Second Annual Table Hopping Mac & Cheese Bowl- and I'll be there to photograph it all!

I'm pretty happy about the fact that I'll be working at the event because if I wasn't, I'm fairly sure I would stuff myself silly!! I haven't mastered the art of shoveling food in my face while clicking away....YET.

So mark your calendars, you now have plans for Saturday!! Come hungry and vote for your favorite recipe.

Saturday, February 19 at the Albany Marriott from 11am-2:30pm

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Business Buzz

Today's "toot" is a mixed bag of things- all related in some way however to this gal

Erin McKinney!

Now, she'll probably be blushing about now, a bit embarrassed that I'm dedicating an entire blog post to her, but she'll get over it, and be happy I did...I hope :)

So, why Erin? Well, this morning my littlest and I spent some time with her so I figured, why not? There's so many things to talk about related to Erin, so why not do kind of a business spotlight?!

This morning was quite special because I got to spend some one on one time with my 8 month old. Any mother of more than one child can appreciated the rarity of this occasion! Bumps (aka Grandpa) came over to watch Sydney while Ryley and I went to a Baby Massage Class hosted and instructed by, none other than, Erin!
This is Erin today, teaching the class;

Since I was participating in the class, I handed my camera over to Erin so she could snap a few photos of us in action. Ryley was the "big kid" in the class so she was a bit more active and uncooperative, but we had fun just the same! Look at this next picture- how cute are those chubby babies all lined up. They're just soaking it all in- getting a mommy massage- I'm jealous!!

The class was held at the Family Life Center where Erin teams up with this fine lady, Betsy Mercogliano.

Together they make up a Doula Team Extraordinaire!! They were both present for the pregnancy and birth of both of my babies and were of amazing help and support to my husband and me. I HIGHLY recommend them to anyone in search of a positive and satisfying birth experience!

Not only is Erin an amazing doula, she is also a licensed massage therapist, and quite honestly the best masseuse I've ever been to! She works out of the Holistic Network on Western Ave in Albany and again, I can't recommend her more! GO SEE HER! :)

Here are just a few more photos from todays massage class. I just can resist these chubby bundles of love!!

So if you're interested in a baby massage class or anything else the Family Life Center, Erin or Betsy have to offer check them out here on face book or here on their website!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I heart NY

I'm sitting at my dining room table, staring out into my back yard. There is 2.5 feet of snow covering the yard. One of my lawn chairs is almost completely buried under a blanket of pristine white. Poor Gracie needs a "potty path" dug for her otherwise she totally disappears once she jumps off the back steps.

I am 100% a summer girl. But here, in Upstate New York, summer lasts about 5.7 seconds. As soon as it arrives it begins to fade, it seems. So on days like this, when we just received a fresh coating of 6 inches of snow and are expected to get another foot tomorrow, I have to remember why it is I live in NY....and wouldn't have it any other way.

What do I love about it?

FOUR distinct seasons- I do love summer, but I also love the fall (once I get over the sting of seeing summer fade). I love love love Spring and even the winter has some good things to offer.

Like....I love white Christmases. There's no where else in the country like NY at Christmas time. The same goes for Thanksgiving- the smell of wood burning stoves, the color of the leaves, crisp, cool air outside and cozy warmth inside- all of those things help make Thanksgiving my favorite holiday.

I have a strange loyalty to being a "New Yorker" I feel some sort of strange pride about it all- makes me feel cool....and it fits me-I wear a lot of black :)

The Yankees.

The extreme difference between downstate (The City) and upstate (The Adirondacks) can't be beat- we've got it all.

So while I sit here, stuck inside, longing for fairer weather, I will simply make dinner in the crock pot, light a few candles, don a warm sweater and cozy sweats and just suck it up- cuz I'm a NY-er!!