Sunday, August 15, 2010

My daunting task

A few nights ago I decided on a whim to give away a free mini photo session. I decided to have my facebook fans send me inspirational stories of families they know who deserve a free shoot. I had NO idea what I had gotten myself into!

The emails poured in! Stories of love, admiration, heartache and hardship. How in the world was I supposed to choose which family was more deserving than another? Who am I to say one family's story of illness is more inspiring than another family's story of long lasting true love or losing touch with a family member, or a story illustrating the rough economic times so many are facing right now.

So I was able to narrow the lot down to three. I hemmed and hawed, I tried to make a pros and cons list, I even considered flipping a coin- but where would I find a three sided coin... :-) !!? Well, I finally just bit the bullet and made a decision.

The recipient of the free mini photo session is.....

The Love Family!!!
What was it about this particular family? Something about them stuck in my head over this weekend. Was it the physical bond of sharing a kidney that the father and daughter have? Is it the personal sacrifice both parents make taking special care of the health of their children? Is it the unselfish way about this family who reach out to others in need? YES- it is all of those things. Something just touched me and I couldn't shake it.

Here is the email I received about their family:

I would also like to write a little note about friends of mine, for the contest that you are having:

Name is Dominick and Jamie Love. They have two children Cadie, and Jacob.

Jamie and Dominick had tried for many years to have a child, and had suffered through numerous miscarriages. Jamie is deaf, and the deafness was caused by an illness. They became pregnant with their daughter Cadence (Cadie), and found out their was a possibility that she may have some of the same issues that Jamie suffered through. Jamie managed to carry to full term, and when Cadie was born her kidney's were not functioning. Their little girl had to undergo dialysis, and numerous other treatments. When the time was right, Dominick was able to donate a kidney to his daughter, and both surgeries went well, and they are doing great. However whenever Cadie gets sick they have to travel to Boston, in fear of rejection. Each time it has been nothing serious, but it really does puts a lot of financial strain on the couple. Jamie works at a job that is rewarding, but the pay not so much, and Dominick is a stay at home dad, because they need to keep Cadie as healthy as possible at all times, day care is really not an option for them. I have not mentioned anything about Jacob, because he is a healthy child, and is doing very well.

If ever a family needed a little break this is one that is very deserving. They are so willing to help out others even though their situation is not perfect, and when they found out about our loss, was the first to ask if there was anything that they could do for us.

Crystal D. Starr

So now, for all the other families with such heart warming, or heart breaking stories... I can't in good conscience just leave you behind. I will keep your stories in my back pocket for now. From time to time I will pick another family and out of the blue you may hear from me. I will extend my photography as a way to help you create a beautiful memory out of your story. I hope you all can forgive me - believe me, if I had unlimited resources of time, money and energy I would pick you all right now!!